Thursday, June 11, 2009

sick of being sick

I had a bit of a sore throat last Thursday before I left work and it all went downhill from there. Mind you this is right after I wrote about how I'm more aware of my body and its functions etc on my projects blog. Then I get sick. Ironic I think. I finally recovered enough to be able to run tonight. I also want to try my new shoes. After almost three years and 400 miles it was finally time for me to update my shoes. I ended up with the same style shoes, two generations out. I hope they are comfortable. I intend on putting some good mileage on those puppies.

What is the appeal of talking about famous people's misfortunes? I don't get it. And yet that is all I hear all day at work. Cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck... that is all I hear. Does that make people feel better about themselves? It must in some level. Talking about the TV shows in general sort of gets on my nerves because it's almost never about shows that is not dumb down. I can't stand reality show to be honest, not even competition shows. If you want to talk about American Idol with me, you will most likely get a blank expression. No offense, but I'm turning into a PBS snob. I want to spend my time being a bit more intellectual.

Don't ever give me anything addictive. I can't stop playing this stupid game on facebook and I keep buying too many books. I'm entirely obsessed with books right now. I need to make something of it. Oh right. I should read.

/end sarcasm thursday

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