Sunday, February 22, 2009


I've been having some really weird dreams lately. Mostly in the morning a few hours before I have to get up. I think I get most of my adventure when I'm asleep.

Speaking of dreams, there are ones when I'm asleep which I don't pay much attention to, then there are day dreams that rattles around in my head all the time. I've been thinking about working on my website lately. I gave myself a somewhat fresh start and have been thinking about the different things I could be doing. I am terrible at getting anything done without laying it out. There are so many different things I want to do that I think the best way for me to get around to it is to start with the website. The logic is simple. If I have a place where I have to showcase my work, I'll be more motivated to do it.

This is obviously easier said then done. I was going to start working on my requirements document this weekend. Didn't happen. I did get around to migrate this blog and start fresh. I don't feel like erasing three years of work but a lot of things does not belong. It's suppose to be a fresh start after all. I backed up a couple of my other project blogs and took them out. I'm trying to figure out what to do with my tumblr. I really like its cellphone friendly features. I want to keep using it, but strictly as a supplement to my main blog/page/whatever. One of the problem with it is hard to manage it's content. I really want something that can give me the flexibility of blogger and the accessibility of tumblr. It will take me a while to build it. I will have to take what I have for the time being to get things working.

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