Saturday, August 01, 2009

my face hurts

I feel like I got punched in the face. Real sunburn is a bitch.

We started the morning off with some fresh waffle and a real bitch of a lady who took a long time to figure out the single cup coffee maker. You're better off rolling out when somebody rolls their eyes at you and say she can handle herself. With that happy thought we piled in the minivan and headed up to the city.

I highly recommend riding cable cars in the morning. The MUNI daily pass is a good deal. I took a ton of great photos. We rode on the cable cars on the two lines. The second time around when we were going from Market to the Wharf I was standing on the front step. Great view, great pictures, and massive sunburn on one side of my face.

We did a massive amount of walking and I'm entirely exhausted. We did head over to the Ferry Building and I got a couple of things of note. Bacon toffee and processed meat in a cone. Boccalone is my little piece of heaven.

I guess that's the highlights. My words really does not do this any justice. I'll need to upload the pictures soon.

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