Friday, August 14, 2009

ramble ramble

Something has been pointed out to me last night that has crossed my mind many many times. When I write as much or little as I do, inevitably I start to ramble. I mean the specific case was not about me, but it's something I have considered before.

When I started blogging every post was basically "hi it's me" "this is what I did with my day" "something interesting happened to me today, or not" "I hate my life". I tend to ramble. I certainly don't have an audience in mind when I write. So I let it out. For me writing is a sort of relief. To let things go. To phrase things the way I want it to sound. I will perhaps read this again in the future and remind myself of what I was thinking at this very moment. I might not even remember what prompted me to write such a thing. But memory is funny like that.

I firmly believe if I don't write things down I am bound to forget it. There are so many things that happened in my short life that I don't remember. The things I remember are the stuff I wrote about. I wrote them down somewhere not to show people how my day was. I like to have it to remind myself what I was thinking. What my state of mind was at the time. Sometimes it can be boring, but that is my life and that's the way I know best how to chronicle it.

As time goes by my point of view changes. I might not look at the same thing the same way again. I might not feel the same way about the same person. Or a different version of the same person for that matter. It reminds me of how I used to be and how I am different now.

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