Friday, July 31, 2009

last dance

I have Donna Summer stuck in my head all of a sudden. There is something about being on the job for the last time. My cube looks so empty. All of the things I need to move are under my desk in bags. A few more hours and this space will no longer be mine. There is a sense of melancholy attached to all of this. At the same time I am excited for the new things on the horizon. Life is going to be different. Mainly I hope to feel useful.

In the past few years I have been down on myself. I have thought myself lagging and useless. I finally feel like I'm back on track. Finding a job as such just a bit over a year out of school is pretty impressive. If there's a will, there must have been a way.

The wall is now rid of the stupid crap I have accumulated over the course of the year. I'm ready to move on.

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