Friday, July 17, 2009


I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything. I appreciate it when people wishes me well and stuff when they find out I got a new job and all. I told somebody from another department about yesterday. She was saying how lucky I was, how she would have jumped on that opportunity if she knew about it, and how much better it is then her job. I makes me feel a bit guilty. And that was in the same tone of voice when people were talking to her kids the other day when she brought them in. I told her because she was looking out for me and suggested something to apply for. I really appreciate her and her concerns. It just reminds me of why I don't like telling people good news.

The best reaction I have gotten so far was last night. My dad came home and gave me a high five.


Carrie said...

Ugh. Sometimes people can't just be happy for other people. A simple 'congratulations, and I'm happy for you' would have been the better option. A new job is awesome news and you should feel good about sharing it, with everyone.

CONGRATULATIONS to you! I hope that you enjoy your new job, that it's a great environment to be in, and full of many opportunities. I also hope that no one holds, or participates in any Moon Walking competitions! ;)

Odrini said...

Thanks!!! I have a pretty good idea what the environment will be like, since I'm just moving upstairs :p It will have a ton more opportunities then what I'm at now. Two more weeks! I think I'm more psyched about having full benefits then anything else. Hehe.

There will be no participation for a Moon Walk competition thank you very much. I hope I don't have to witness it either. Ha.